Monday 19 May 2014

Homade Icecream Sandwitches

Today I thought i would make a desert for my family, it was very simple all you need is a couple things to  make you're own ice cream sandwiches I went to nofrills to buy my supplies as they were all on sale there.
Baking needs
  • Vanilla ice cream (i got a 4L tub for 3.99)
  • Chocolate cake mix ( i got mine for 97 cents 
  • wax paper
  • and everything that the cake mix calls for except for eggs

Ok now that you have all you're supplies time to get started first you're gonna want to make the cake mix and mix it all up but just don't add eggs. Once you have you're cake mix all mixed together get a cookie pan and cook the cake mix as if it was cookie dough i made mine in cookie shapes because its easier to make the sandwiches but you can do it whatever way you want. Then when you're cake cookies are done take them out to rest.Once you're ready get you're ice cream out and with a warm spoon scoop some ice cream onto one cake cookie and spread it out onto it and top it off with a cake cookie on top.And what i did with mine i wrapped it in some wax paper and put it in my freezer and took it out when it was time for desert and it was delicious. I hope you try this and enjoy it.

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