Thursday 12 June 2014

Getting rid of the flu

Sorry i haven't made a blog post in a while as me and my family have been sick so i decided to make a post on some helpful ways to help that flu get out of you're system.

 sore throat

  • mostly just drink lots of water so you can flush it from you're system fast
  • bucklys throat drops help to as there like halls you can suck on but they taste extremely bad but they work 
  • rest and eat soft food and drink lots of fluids

stomach flu
  • as i said before bucklys works but if you want something that tastes more pleasant try some pep-mo bis mol as it tastes like bubblegum candy and dose the trick
  • i suggest eating toast for most of the day to help youre stomach too
  • drink lots of water to flush the flu out of youre system
  • drink some ginger ale as the ginger will  help youre stomach

  • drink lots of water
  • drink some ginger ale to help the stomach
  • eat bananas to help bind youre poo
  • eat toast and rice to help bind youre poo too
  • rest 

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